5 Myths About Chronic Pain

5 Myths About Chronic Pain

There are lots of myths out there about chronic pain. In part, that’s likely because of the way that chronic pain symptoms vary for different individuals. There’s no standard model for chronic pain symptoms, treatment, or recovery.

But, at Iconic Infusions, PLLC of Briarwood, Fayetteville, North Carolina, Dr. Bryant S. Edwards and his team don’t believe that chronic pain can’t be effectively addressed. 

We specialize in ketamine infusion therapy for chronic pain and take a holistic approach to interventional pain management with our new and existing patients who take your pain seriously.

Here are some common myths about chronic pain and the facts you need to find a treatment plan that will work for you.

Myth 1: Chronic pain isn’t serious

If you have chronic pain, your symptoms last for at least 12 weeks and could last much longer. Many chronic pain patients deal with pain daily for years at a time.

Chronic pain patients do a lot to manage their condition, so it might seem like your chronic pain problem isn’t all that serious. However, at Iconic Infusions, PLLC, we know better. Chronic pain puts your physical and mental health through the wringer and should be taken seriously as a medical issue.

Myth 2: Chronic pain is all in your head

Chronic pain symptoms can indeed come and go unpredictably. And it’s also true that some chronic pain problems have a psychological component. Chronic pain is often co-diagnosed with depression or other mental health disorders.

But your chronic pain problem is absolutely not just in your head! Chronic pain can arise from a past accident or injury or might be linked to other issues with your physical health. Either way, your problem is real, and you need real solutions.

Myth 3: Chronic pain can’t be diagnosed

Despite the widespread frequency of chronic pain, diagnosing the cause of your chronic pain is far from simple. We’re still learning more about the physical and mental triggers behind chronic pain.

At Iconic Infusions, PLLC, our team gives you the benefits of a holistic understanding of chronic pain. Your diagnosis may be complex, but we can help you figure out key information about your condition and treatment needs.

Myth 4: Chronic pain can’t be treated

Your provider at Iconic Infusions, PLLC works with you to develop an effective treatment plan based on your diagnosis. Approaches like physical therapy or yoga may improve your wellness and decrease the frequency and intensity of your chronic pain.

Myth 5: Chronic pain will improve with standard treatment

While treatments like physical therapy, psychotherapy, yoga, or lifestyle changes may work for some, other chronic pain patients don’t see enough symptom improvement with those types of intervention. At Iconic Infusions, PLLC, we treat chronic pain using IV ketamine therapy.

Ketamine has been shown to be effective for many chronic pain patients who haven’t seen enough benefit from other treatment approaches.

To learn more about how ketamine infusion therapy could alleviate your chronic pain, schedule a consultation at Iconic Infusions, PPLC online or over the phone today.

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