Why Hydration is More Important When Anxiety is Running High

hydration and stress

Here is one simple stress management tip to reduce anxiety: drink more water!

The link between dehydration and stress has been well researched since our entire bodies are composed mostly of water. If you are dehydrated, your body is not functioning properly, and therefore may cause increased levels of stress. Studies have shown that even as little as a half liter of dehydration can bring your cortisol levels up. With high cortisol comes high stress!

This doesn't mean water cures all your family problems and work deadlines, but at least you don't have the issue of dehydration to add to an already busy life. In fact, the more busy you are, the less hydrated you are likely to be as you may forget to drink water throughout the day. When you are stressed, your heart rate can become elevated and you may breathe heavier, actually causing you to lose more fluids.

Stress and dehydration is like the chicken and the egg—stress can cause dehydration and dehydration can cause stress. Stress can cause headaches, fatigue and nausea, so by keeping your water level high throughout the day, you can make sure physiological problems don't occur.

A few tips on how to stay hydrated during the day:

1. Set an alarm. Every hour try to make sure you drink some water!

2. Keep your water bottle with you at all times. Mark your bottle with how much you've drank each time.

3. Drink water at every meal instead of alcohol.

4. Add some flavor to your water. You can use a little bit of fruit to make it more interesting!

5. Combine water drinking with another habit. For instance, drink water every time you get up to go to the bathroom, or every time you start a new episode of a TV show.

Looking for a way to get hydration quickly? IV hydration therapy is a way to get water and vitamins directly into your bloodstream. It acts quickly and you get all the benefits of the nutrients into your system as soon as possible. Even athletes use it post-competition to rehydrate quickly.

If you are feeling more anxious than normal, come in for an IV hydration treatment to help make you feel better. We also offer ketamine infusions for those with debilitating levels of anxiety. Schedule a consultation with our office today.

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